Volunteer for the Rodeo
Click here to signup and volunteer!
Volunteering is a great way to get caught up in the excitement of Rodeo Weekend! There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer and become a part of the action, whether for a few hours, a day, the whole weekend or throughout the year as part of the Black Gold Rodeo and Exhibition Association.
Did you know the entire Black Gold Rodeo, Trade Fair, Cabaret, Family Fun Fair, Black Gold Parade and all of the other events produced throughout the year are done entirely by volunteers?
Without our amazing volunteers, there would be NO Black Gold Rodeo!
Whether you've got a little or a lot of spare time, we would love to have you join us. No experience necessary!
Following is a list of just some of the ways you can contribute to the Black Gold Rodeo and Exhibition as a volunteer:
- Advertising - distribute posters, deliver flyers a few weeks before the Rodeo.
- Rodeo Arena Beer Gardens - sell tokens, serve liquor (must have valid Pro-Serve Certificate); haul liquor in/out; hostesses for the two box seats.
- Hospitality Room - order food; pick up/deliver food; cook food; stock fridge; take vouchers at the door.
- Trade Fair - greeters; booth relief persons (2); organize booth vendor welcome packages, set up and man rodeo booth at Trade Show; man entry/exit doors.
- Countroom - Bankers (2) - start before doors open (make up and distribute floats) during evening make up deposits/await security pickup; Money and Token Counters - 2-3 people per night; 4-5 people on Saturday plus two additional people after rodeo on Saturday.
- Cabaret - token sellers; serve liquor (must have valid Pro-Serve Certificate); haul liquor in/out; door security; ticket takers.
- Sponsorship - organize ticket packages; prepare list of LED signage; prepare announcer list of blurbs for major sponsors; pick up and return of flags, banners; arrange banners ready for hanging in arena; after-event thank you packages for sponsors.
- Volunteer Co-ordination - contact committee heads for numbers; follow up with Clubs; prepare volunteer packages; distribute volunteer packages; greeter at volunteer table; runner for volunteers to committee areas.
- 50/50 sellers - sell 50/50 tickets
- Rodeo - ticket takers; ushers for seating; security for doors.
- Rodeo of Smiles - organizers and hosts to help make special needs children smile. Games, face painting and more.
- Security - we need lots of people just to keep an eye on things.
- Program Seller - someone with a good smile to sell the program during the Rodeo events.
- Family Fun Night - set up and hosting.
- Program - organize the ads and sponsors listed in the program (one to two months before the Rodeo).
Click here to signup and volunteer!
Rodeo Volunteers are expected to:
- Dress appropriately
- Act appropriately
- Arrive on time for scheduled shifts
- Enjoy working with people
- Have good communication and listening skills
- Have a good sense of humour
- Have a Pro-Serve Certificate if serving alcohol or working security
- Smile!
Rodeo Volunteers get:
- Orientation at no personal cost
- Many opportunities to take part in community functions
- Fluorescent safety vests and equipment, as required
- Meals and drinks provided during scheduled shifts
- An all-access wristband on the days they volunteer
- Invited to annual Volunteer Appreciation events
- The opportunity to expand their knowledge base and learn new skills
- The chance to improve their resumes by adding verifiable volunteer experience
- The opportunity to meet new people
- To be part of a dynamic team
- The chance to help others and contribute something of value to their community and society in general
- That warm, fuzzy feeling that comes with doing something good.
Once the rodeo association has received your Volunteer Application Form, you be contacted for an interview.
Contact the Leduc Black Gold Pro Rodeo & Exhibition Association for more information.
Click here to signup and volunteer!