The Benefits of Being a Black Gold Rodeo Sponsor
Without sponsors there would be no clowning around
The Black Gold Rodeo is one of Leduc's largest weekends in the city's festival calendar, if not THE largest. For those four days this coming June, Leduc will be Alberta's Party Capital, if the response every other year is any indication. With the incredible array of entertainment and activities lined up, it's no wonder people come from miles around to enjoy all the Black Gold Rodeo events. None of the fun and frivolity would occur, however, without the sponsorship of community-conscious individuals, groups and businesses. Sponsorship is sought for a number of features and events including:
- "Day" sponsors (i.e. CFCW Day) for each of the fun-filled four days,
- "Event" sponsors for activities like the Pancake Breakfast,
- "Feature" sponsors who support expensive but critical components of the rodeo such as chute gates, clowns and the Emergency Medical Technicians the Black Gold Rodeo Association must keep on stand-by throughout the weekend.
- "Rodeo of Smiles" sponsors to ensure the continuation of this expensive to produce but free to attend, hugely popular rodeo experience organized exclusively for physically and mentally challenged children in our region.
The sponsored events culminate in the deeply spiritual Cowboy Church on the Sunday of Rodeo weekend, to redeem us all again and to offer thanks for another successful year. With so much family-friendly activity, there is not only a lot of fun for fair-goers to experience, but also plenty of need for sponsorship support. In a tough economy, new sponsors need to be found as others who have contributed in the past, now face financial challenges. Despite the veritable army of volunteers the rodeo attracts, the reality is that none of it will happen without sponsors to fund events.
Here are just a few reasons you may wish to consider becoming one of Black Gold Rodeo's venerated sponsors;
- Rodeo sponsors are recognized as community leaders.
- Sponsorship helps keep Leduc vibrant and growing, which directly impacts your business
- It feels good. This fact is demonstrated in an article published by Leduc's own Mel Gesy, CPA, CA regarding the scientifically proven benefits of giving to worthwhile non-profit societies such as the Black Gold Rodeo Association.
- People not only notice who sponsors local events but also, who does not.
- It's good for enhancing awareness of your company within your community and, more importantly, possibly even increasing sales, as outlined in this Harvard Business review article, "The Competitive Advantage of Corporate Philanthropy".
So come on, Leduc, put your best boot forward and become a Black Gold rodeo sponsor. It feels great to make a difference.